Conservation, Archaeology and Planning

Scheduled Ancient Monuments (SAMs)

‘Scheduling’ is the process through which nationally important archaeological sites and monuments are given legal protection by being placed on a list, or ‘schedule’. Sites in England are identified by English Heritage which are then placed on the schedule by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. The current legislation, the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, supports a formal system of Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC) for any work to a designated monument.

Scheduling is the only legal protection specifically for archaeological sites, but can also be applied to standing structures, such as the Close wall. When a building is both listed and scheduled, SMC takes precedence.

For general information about SAMs, please visit the Historic England website.

SAMs in Lincoln

There are 42 structures and areas designated as SAMs in Lincoln. These range from standing monuments like Monks Abbey, the Castle and the Stonebow, to underground archaeology below areas of open ground within the boundary of the defences of the Roman city. Any work to standing buildings or ground disturbance may require Scheduled Monument Consent.

Applying for Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC)

Applications should be sent to Historic England's regional office.

It will assist your application process if a copy of your application is also forwarded to our Heritage Team.