Conservation, Archaeology and Planning

Archaeology and Planning

Archaeology is carried out through the planning process, which ensures that it is managed in line with the latest government guidance (currently the National Planning Policy Framework). It is required that the archaeology of a site is taken into consideration if it is to be affected by any development.  

Some examples of development which may affect archaeological remains because of ground works: 

  • The erection of buildings and other structures
  • Extensions and modifications to existing buildings
  • Construction of car parks or roads
  • Installation of drainage and other services such as water and gas
  • Landscaping and surface stripping

An important function of the Heritage Team is to provide the local planning authority and others engaged in development with advice on archaeological matters in the City. With information from the Lincoln Heritage Database and the Lincoln Archaeological Research Assessment (LARA), as well the specialist knowledge and expertise of staff, we examine and advise on all planning applications that might affect the City’s historic environment.

We use this information to assess the potential impact of development in order to ensure that damage is kept to a minimum. Sometimes the developer is required to submit: 

  • An Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment of the likely impact of proposed development
  • An Archaeological Evaluation of the site to provide more information on the likely impact.
  • A strategy document detailing how the archaeology of the site is to be protected and preserved.

Planning Permission may be granted with one or more conditions related to archaeology, in order that a satisfactory programme of archaeological work is carried out. The exact nature of the programme will depend on the location and scale of the development, and the extent of proposed ground disturbance. This work must be carried out by a professional archaeological unit, and it is the responsibility of the developer to meet the cost. 


Notes for developers

Developers are advised that early discussions with the Planning Department are essential so that archaeological issues can be highlighted at the pre-application stage.

Heritage Team

Telephone: 01522 873760

City Archaeologist

Telephone: 01522 873478

Conservation, archaeology and heritage