Conservation, Archaeology and Planning

Local list buildings

Not all buildings of local historic importance are statutorily listed buildings, but many have an important presence in the townscape. This is recognised by their inclusion on the List of Buildings and Structures of Local Importance.

Many buildings are valued for their contribution to the local scene, or for local historical associations, but may not be of sufficient national importance or interest to warrant their inclusion on the Statutory List.

However, the City Council wishes to ensure that the local importance of such buildings is recognised and taken into account in development proposals. It will, therefore make Article 4 Directions, where necessary, in order to safeguard the character, appearance and setting of Buildings of Local Importance. These Directions will address one or more of the following categories of development: 

  • Alterations to elevations, including doors and windows
  • Alterations to roofs and chimneys, including re-roofing
  • Extensions and other works within the curtilage of the building
  • Demolition
  • Painting of exterior walls
  • Ensure that planning decisions for nearby development respect the character, appearance and setting of these locally important buildings.

The List has been the subject of public consultation and was approved by the City Council in 1995

The safeguarding of Local List buildings will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

The inclusion of a building on the List of Buildings and Structures of Local Importance does not impose the same restrictions as “statutory listing”. In particular, it does not give the Local Planning Authority any control over works which do not constitute ‘development’, such as internal alterations which do not affect the building’s external appearance.