Conservation, Archaeology and Planning

Conservation plans

Conservation plans have been produced for some of Lincoln’s most important historic buildings. Their aim is to explain and assess the significance of the building, and how to sustain and protect it in the future during repairs, alteration, management and development. Each conservation plan follows a similar format:

  • Understanding the building – its fabric, landscape and below-ground archaeology, backed up with documentary and archaeological research - the sequence of the building and its site through time, and a gazetteer of its elements 
  • Assessment of significance – a statement of the site’s importance and value considered in reference to a range of criteria
  • Issues and vulnerability – how the significance might be adversely affected in the future

Buildings with conservation plans:

  • Lincoln Castle
  • Lincoln’s Roman Monuments
  • Greyfriars, Broadgate (former Greyfriars Museum)
  • Medieval Bishop’s Palace
  • Lincoln Cathedral & Close
  • The Museum of Lincolnshire Life
  • St Mary’s Guildhall

For more information contact the Heritage Team.