Conservation, Archaeology and Planning

Listed buildings in Lincoln

Lincoln has 418 Listed Buildings, ranging in date from the Roman period through to the 1950s, including churches, private and commercial properties, statues, parish boundary stones and telephone boxes.

Buildings are graded as follows:

  • Grade I – Buildings of exceptional interest
  • Grade II – Buildings of special interest that warrant every effort being made to preserve them
  • Grade II* – Particularly important buildings of more than special interest

How and why buildings become listed

Most buildings on the list were selected in the course of the national re-survey of listed buildings which began in 1970. Some were already on the list at that time, many from 1953. Others have been added in addition to this process. It is open to anyone to apply for a building to be listed; the decision rests with the Secretary of State, after taking advice from Historic England.

The most important criteria are age and rarity. As a result, all buildings built before 1700 that survive in anything like their original condition are listed, and most of those built from 1700 to 1840 are also listed. More selection is required for buildings built after 1840, and only those of definite quality and character are included; no building less than 10 years old can be listed, and of those less 30 than years old, only those of outstanding quality and under threat are listed.

Principles of selection

The principles of selection are as follows:

  • Architectural interest - to include all buildings which are of importance to the nation for the interest of their architectural design, decoration and craftsmanship; also important examples of particular building styles and techniques and significant plan forms.
  • Historic interest - this includes buildings which illustrate important aspects of the nation’s social, economic, cultural or military history.
  • Close historical association - with nationally important people and events.
  • Group value - especially where buildings comprise an important architectural or historic unity or a fine example of planning.

How to apply for listing or de-listing

If you wish to have a building considered for listing or de-listing you should contact Historic England.