Our Repairs and Maintenance Policy
We aim to provide the best service to all our tenants. This includes keeping our properties safe, well-maintained and secure.
Our Repairs and Maintenance Policy outlines what repairs we are responsible for as your landlord. It also tells you what repairs we expect you to do as a tenant.
View our Repairs and Maintenance Policy
Priority (1-day) repairs
Our 1-day repair service aims to keep our tenants safe and secure 24/7, all year round. This service is designed for emergencies and is a ‘make safe’ service.
This means that, whilst we will complete a full repair if we are able to, the main aim of 1-day repairs is to make your home safe and secure.
We aim to attend all 1-day repairs within 24 hours of you reporting the problem to us. If there are issues beyond our control, like severe weather, we will attend your home as soon as we can. If there are any delays, we will keep you informed.
Priority (1-day) repairs are those that:
Present an immediate danger to people
Leave tenants without essential services like heat and power
Risk major damage, such as from a serious flood
Leave property unsecure, like broken windows and locks
Pose a health and safety risk
Urgent (3-day) repairs
Our 3-day repair service is for repairs that are not an emergency, but still need to be prioritised so they do not cause further damage or safety problems in your home.
We aim to attend all 3-day repairs within 72 hours of you reporting the problem to us. If there are issues beyond our control, like severe weather, we will attend your home as soon as we can. If there are any delays, we will keep you informed.
Urgent (3-day) repairs include:
Containable leaks, blocked drains, and tap repairs
Bathroom, kitchen, and communal light faults
Smoke alarm, and cooker socket faults
Electric shower and bath repairs (if it’s your only way of washing)
No hot water, or partial loss of water supply
Partial loss of power supply
Toilet not flushing
Scheduled (100-day) repairs
For most repairs that are not ‘priority’ or ‘urgent’, we offer a scheduled repairs service.
Our repairs team works in different areas of the city every two to three weeks. When you report a scheduled repair to us, we will arrange for it to be completed when our repairs team are next working in your area. Most schedules repairs are completed within 9 weeks or less. Occasionally a repair may take up-to 100 days.
Our Scheduled Repair Calendar of Works tells you when we will next be in your area.
View our current Scheduled Repairs Calendar of Works
If you are unsure what area your home is in, contact our Customer Services team:
01522 881188