Affordable warmth strategy
A fuel poor household is one that cannot afford to keep adequately warm at reasonable cost. Some four million households suffer from fuel poverty nationally. Many of these households often face the difficult choice of either paying for sufficient fuel to keep warm or paying for other basic necessities.
Fuel poor households may suffer an increased risk of ill health, and find it more difficult to recover if they do fall ill. Fuel poverty imposes higher health costs and is a contributing factor in the thousands of annual excess winter deaths, particularly amongst older people.
The council’s approach to Affordable Warmth
The solution to fuel poverty is the provision of affordable warmth. This strategy sets out an approach for eradicating fuel poverty and providing affordable warmth in Lincoln. It focuses on the bringing together of relevant agencies and the forming of partnerships to enable practical action to be taken.
- Download the Affordable Warmth Strategy
- Download the Fuel Poverty in Lincoln needs assessment