The Antisocial Behaviour Case Review

How we will use your information

To process your application, we will need to share the information you provide with the ‘relevant bodies’ which includes Lincolnshire police, registered housing providers, and relevant district council departments. These bodies will also share information about your application to help determine whether it meets the threshold for review. If an application proceeds to a case review under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime & Policing Act 2014. The relevant bodies will share relevant, necessary, and proportionate information to enable them to review the incidents you have reported and the action that has been taken, or could be taken, to resolve the situation.

In some cases, it may be necessary to share information with other partners that the relevant bodies deem appropriate to be involved in the review process. This includes the Youth Offending Service, where the ASB involves someone who is under 18 years old.

To process your personal data, we will rely upon Article 6(c) of the General Data Protection Regulations, in that it is ‘necessary to comply with a legal obligation’. This is because the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 places a legal obligation on the relevant bodies to undertake an ASB Case Review and share relevant information when a valid ASB Case Review request is received.

Where it is necessary to process any of your personal data which falls within a special category*, we will rely upon Article 9, 2(g) of the General Data Protection Regulations, in that it is the substantial public interest, based on the lawful requirement to conduct an ASB Case Review, and is proportionate for that purpose. We will also meet the substantial public interest condition at Schedule 1 Part 2, (6) of the Data Protection Act 2018, in that the processing is necessary for a statutory purpose.

*Special categories of personal data include personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health or a person’s sex life or their sexual orientation.

Contact the PPASB Team

Address: Public Protection & Antisocial Behaviour Team
City Hall
Beaumont Fee

Telephone: 01522 873378