The Antisocial Behaviour Case Review

What can I expect?

Once you have made a request for an Antisocial Behaviour Case Review it will be assigned to a specific point of contact (SPOC) who has had no direct involvement in the case to coordinate the request. The SPOC will collate the necessary information from the 'relevant bodies' (which includes Lincolnshire police, registered housing providers, and relevant district council departments) to establish whether the threshold has been met.  

Where the threshold is not met you will be contacted and informed of the reasons why. If the threshold is met the SPOC will inform you that the community trigger request has been accepted and provide details on the next steps. You will also be given the opportunity to attend the initial part of the review or provide a written statement to share the impact the ASB has had on you.  

A review of the case will be carried out to identify how partners responded to the incidents reported, and any further actions that can be taken to try to resolve the issues. Additional agencies not involved in the case might be invited to the meeting, and the meeting will be chaired by someone independent from the case to ensure impartiality. After the review you will be informed of the outcome. 

Contact the PPASB Team

Address: Public Protection & Antisocial Behaviour Team
City Hall
Beaumont Fee

Telephone: 01522 873378