Allocation of the Lincoln Lottery Community Fund 2018/19

Lincoln Lottery Community Fund awards £10,000 to local good causes.
City of Lincoln Council's community lottery scheme has awarded four local good causes with funding totalling £10,000.
The allocation of the fund follows a resident consultation, which identified social isolation and green spaces as the two priority cause areas where the fund should be allocated to.
Following an application and selection process, the four successful good causes in 2019 include:
Green Synergy – Awarded £5,000 to enable the cause to create a new seating area at Hillside Community Garden, adding picnic benches, seats, planters, bark chip, notice boards and signage. The garden regularly receives visits from patients and staff at Lincoln County Hospital and members of the local community. The funding will allow the garden to support more visitors, have wheelchair accessibility, and enhance the area as a green space where people can chat, interact and socialise.
Acts Trust – Awarded £2,545 to support the running of friendship and support groups 'The Shed' (for men) and 'Butterflies' (for women). The groups provide a place for those who might otherwise be alone, a place for people to make friends, learn new skills in how to support each other, enjoy a wide range of activities and improve mental wellbeing. The funding will allow Acts Trust to continue delivering the groups throughout 2019/20 and engage with a minimum of 40 new members.
Carers FIRST – Awarded £1,455 to support the running of four death Cafés in the city. The cafes will be informal discussion groups aimed at those with a caring responsibility for a family member or friend, providing a comfortable environment to discuss their fears and thoughts. The fund will also support Carers FIRST to run a Caring Confidently Programme for carers that will focus specifically on palliative and end of life care.
Lincoln Rugby Football Club – Awarded £1,000 to support the club to host a family activity day. The day will be open to the local community to showcase the positive aspects of the game of rugby for all ages. There will be a range of activities for both children and adults, with an emphasis of having fun, staying active and enjoying the game of rugby in a safe environment.
Lincoln Lottery Community Fund has been raised by supporters of Lincoln Community Lottery who have directly selected the fund as their good cause when purchasing tickets, donating 60 pence of every ticket purchased.
Players who have selected to support a specific local good cause have also donated 10 pence of each ticket to the Community Fund, meaning that every player of Lincoln Community Lottery has contributed to the £10,000 which was up for grabs.
The Lincoln Lottery Community Fund is allocated to good causes annually in late summer/early autumn through a consultation and application process.
Players of Lincoln Community Lottery must be 18 or over and physically located in Great Britain. Always play responsibly. If you need to talk to someone about your gambling, please contact Gamble Aware. Lincoln Community Lottery is promoted by City of Lincoln Council, a Local Authority Lottery licensed by the Gambling Commission. Gambling Commission Account No: 51295.