About Local Authority Searches

Request a Local Authority Land Charge Search

You can use this service to make a Local Authority Land Charge searches for a property in Lincoln, our latest fees are available in the downloads section

You can make CON29 R and CON29 O searches. You can request a full search or individual questions depending upon your needs.

This search contains information relevant to a property for elements such as:

  • Planning
  • Building control
  • Highways
  • Housing 
  • Environmental health 
  • Policy information contained in the Local Plan

Before you start

Since 20th April 2022, City of Lincoln Council no longer provide a local land charges search service

After this date, our Local Land Charges Register will have migrated to HM Land Registry’s national register.

You will be able to access a new digital service through Portal, Business Gateway and on HM Land Registry’s GOV.UK pages.

However, City of Lincoln Council will continue to provide replies to Con29 enquiries

To use this service you will need:

  • The type of search and questions you require
  • A copy of your location plan
  • Your account number (if you have one)
  • A debit or credit card if you wish to pay online


Landcharges Team

Address: City Hall
Beaumont Fee

Telephone: 01522 873474