About Local Authority Searches

What is a Local Authority Search?

Local Authority Searches are carried out as part of the conveyancing process when remortgaging or purchasing land or property.

A Local Authority Search request is made up of three parts:

  • The LLC1. This reveals information on any restrictions or conditions that may apply to the land/property, i.e. financial charges, conditional planning consents, tree preservation orders, listed buildings, conservation areas etc. All restrictions are binding on successive owners. You can access the Land Charges Register through Portal, Business Gateway and on HM Land Registry’s GOV.UK pages.
  • Con.29(R)-required. This reveals information such as Non-Conditional Planning Permissions, Building Regulations, Highways, Housing and Environmental information and various notices. Building Regulations information is revealed from 1994 on City of Lincoln Council Local Authority searches, please contact Building Control if you require any further information.
  • Con29(O)-optional. This form includes questions that are not included in a standard search reply, these include Road Proposals by Private Bodies, Noise Abatement Notices, Hazardous Substance Consents, Common Land and Food Safety Notices to name but a few.    

The LLC1, Con29(R) and Con29(O) forms can be submitted together or independently and individual Con.29(R) questions can also be requested independently.

A search is specific to an individual property and does not include information on surrounding land or properties. If you wish to know if there are any proposals for development of land adjoining the property in question or any other queries regarding surrounding areas an attachment should be submitted with the Local Authority Search request along with the relevant fee.



Landcharges Team

Address: City Hall
Beaumont Fee

Telephone: 01522 873474

Building Control

Opening hours Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm Friday 8am-4.30pm

Address: Building Control Services
City of Lincoln Council
City Hall
Beaumont Fee

Telephone: 01522 873709