Benefits of working with us

Employee pensions

The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)

All City of Lincoln Council employees are eligible to join the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).  The LGPS is a statutory, funded pension scheme. As such it is very secure because its benefits are defined and set out in law.

Our current employer contribution is 23.4%. 

Highlights of the benefits provided by the LGPS are:

  • A tax-free lump sum when you retire
  • A pension based on your contributions
  • The ability to increase your pension by paying extra contributions
  • Voluntary retirement from age 60
  • Retirement from age 55 with your employer’s consent
  • An ill health pension from any age
  • Redundancy cover from age 55
  • A death in service lump sum
  • A widow’s, widower’s or civil partner’s pension
  • Children’s pensions
  • The index-linking of benefits to ensure that they keep pace with inflation

Tax relief

In addition, as a member of the LGPS, your contributions will be eligible for tax relief at the time they are deducted from your pay.

Visit our pension funds website >


Contact Human Resources

Address: City Hall
Beaumont Fee

Telephone: 01522 873 336