Hartsholme Country Park Campsite

Booking information

Access information when you arrive

As we operate a barrier system in the car park you must check your emails for access instructions prior to your arrival. These are sent a few days prior to your arrival date and when your booking is fully paid. Our barriers are set so that only one vehicle can pass over at a time before the code is required again. We have signs in place to advise no tailgating.

Minimum nights to be booked

  • A three night minimum booking applies to Easter weekend, Bank Holiday weekends in May
  • A five night minimum booking applies to the August Bank Holiday 
  • You can book a maximum stay of up to 21 nights

Special Requests

  • As far as is practicable we will endeavour to comply with any special requests you have notified us of at the time of booking but we cannot guarantee that your requests will be met and we accept no liability to you in respect thereof
  • This is especially true of specific pitch requests and late stays at peak times.

Group Bookings

  • We want to give you and everyone else in the park a great holiday
  • If you’re travelling as part of a group and you’re using more than one pitch you should let us know
  • We will try to accommodate you together as far as is practicable. If you haven’t made a group booking and arrive in a group, we may not be able to allow you to pitch together
  • As a small site we manage the space with families and couples in mind. So we usually turn down non-family bookings from people under the age of 21, and we don’t allow hen or stag parties to be held on site
  • If you visit as a group and are unruly or antisocial, we’ll tell you to leave the park immediately. No ands, no ifs and no buts. And no refunds.

Vehicles and Sizing

  • We accept bookings for units up to 8.2m (27 feet). You can only bring one tourer, motorhome, tent or trailer tent onto each pitch
  • You must be clear on the size of your unit or tent (including guy ropes) at time of booking so we can check the pitch is suitable
  • We’ll do our best to give you a parking space next to your unit but we can’t guarantee this. If you’re planning to bring something that’s not a car with you (a lorry, van, motorbike, jet skis or boat, for example), please check before you book, additional charges may apply
  • Some pitches cannot accept awnings and, on a small number, you will not be able to fit a large tent along with your car. We will provide a parking area nearby if this is the case
  • For all pitches if we decide that a car cannot safely stay within the confines of your pitch leaving adequate distances between living accommodation, then we will ask you to remove it to a car parking area on the camp site
  • Vehicle movement on Site is prohibited between 11pm and 7am.


  • Please pay attention to the information provided by the warden and posted at our main entrance in terms of how to pitch your caravan, motorhome or tent
  • Any deviation from the prescribed system and you may be asked to move
  • Our pitches are a generous size to ensure we adhere to the 6metre ruling between living accommodations and 3 metres between a car and living accommodation.


  • As well as our ‘Dogs on Leads’ rule whilst on the camp site, with the exception of assistance dogs, pets are not allowed in the toilet block or other buildings.

Day Visitors

  • At present day visitors are not permitted on the camp site

Queries or Complaints

Please speak to the camp site warden in the first instance. 

If they are unable to resolve your query or you feel you need to speak to someone else, please speak to the Senior Ranger on site or alternatively email Customer.Services@lincoln.gov.uk or telephone 01522 88 1188

Campers are also reminded to pay attention to bylaws pertaining to Hartsholme Country Park and Swanholme Lakes LNR when visiting these areas.