Towns Fund Projects

9. Tentercroft Street (Feasibility)

East Midlands Engine and HM Government  logo


City of Lincoln Council 

Project Description

This project will support the redevelopment of a strategic brownfield site to create new workspace and city living in the heart of the City Centre by funding the feasibility, design and pre-construction work alongside the procurement of a development partner/solution to enable delivery on site. The scheme will address the unfulfilled demand for start-up and move-on space as part of a portfolio of new workspace to serve different business needs across the City. 

This is alongside a new city living offer which will provide sustainable accommodation in an accessible location adjacent to the main transport hub, the regenerated Cornhill Quarter and in close proximity to the University. Towns Funding will support feasibility and design to enable this scheme to proceed. 

Total project cost: £340,000 

Town Deal funding: £340,000 

To view the outcomes of this project, please see the downloads section of the website.