Data Transparency and Open Data

Democratic Data

In line with the Government’s transparency agenda, we publish information about the democratic running of the council on a regular basis, including election results, decision making processes and a record of the decisions made.


To find out about how decisions are made, you can read the council's Constitution.

Meetings, Agendas and Minutes

To find the latest agendas and schedule for all meetings you can visit our dedicated webpage for Meetings, Agendas and Minutes.


The 33 City of Lincoln councillors are elected in thirds, meaning that we have elections three out of every four years in Lincoln. 

To find out about previous election results, you can visit our dedicated webpage for Elections.

Councillor Allowances

Councillors, although unpaid, receive an annual allowance which reimburses them for time they have spent on council duties, as well as telephone and other office expenses.

This information shows how much each councillor was paid as an allowance over the previous year, based on the roles and responsibilities they had at the council.

In line with the Government’s transparency agenda, we publish our expenditure on councillor allowances and expenses on an annual basis.

Contact Democratic Services

Address: Democratic Services
City Hall
Beaumont Fee

Telephone: 01522 873387