Data Transparency and Open Data

Salaries, Structure and Trade Union Facility Time

In line with the Government’s transparency agenda, we publish the salary bands of our most senior managers, together with brief job descriptions, responsibilities, budgets and numbers of staff, the organisational structure down to manager level and our pay ratio (the proportional difference between the average salary and the salary of the highest paid officer). We also publish our Pay Multiple, Organisation Chart and Trade Union Facility Time.

Senior Officer's Organisation Chart

Information on our Organisation Chart includes:

  • grade

  • job title

  • department and team

  • permanent or temporary

  • contact details

  • salary in £5k brackets (as Senior Salaries)

  • max salary for grade

Senior Officer's Organisation Chart - 2024 

Senior Officer's Organisation Chart - 2023 

Senior Officer's Organisation Chart - 2022 

Senior Officer's Organisation Chart - 2021 

Senior Officer Responsibilities

Information on our Senior Salaries includes:

  • no. of employees earning £50k+

  • details of remuneration and job title

  • name of employees earning +£150k

  • list of responsibilities, details of bonuses and benefits in kind

Senior Officer's Responsibilities 2024 

Senior Officer's Responsibilities 2023 

Senior Officer's Responsibilities 2022 

Senior Officer's Responsibilities 2021

Pay Multiple

Information on our Pay Multiple includes:

  • cover all elements of remuneration

  • median earnings figure as denominator

  • excludes changes in pension benefits

The figures below are correct as at April 2024 and based upon full time equivalent salaries.

Ratio of highest paid and median pay - 1 : 4

Median pay - £29,467.00

Our latest Pay Policy statement can be accessed on the below link.

Pay Policy Statement 2023 to 2024

Trade Union Facility Time

Information on our Trade Union Facility Time includes:

  • total no. union reps (absolute & FTE)

  • total no. devoting +50% of time to union duties (absolute & FTE)

  • names of trade unions represented

  • spending on unions

  • spending on unions as % of total pay bill

Trade Union Facility Time - 2023 to 2024 

Trade Union Facility Time - 2022 to 2023 

Trade Union Facility Time - 2021 to 2022 

Trade Union Facility Time - 2020 to 2021 

Gender Pay Gap

The City of Lincoln Council is required by law to publish an annual gender pay gap

The Council's report snapshot date is 31st March 2023.

Gender Pay Gap Report - 2023