Our priorities

City of Lincoln Council's vision is supported by four priorities, along with a commitment to deliver professional, high performing services.
Let's drive economic growth
We will build a strong, viable, prosperous future for Lincoln, help businesses prosper, create a culture of innovation, attract investment and make things happen.
Let's reduce inequality
We will help people succeed, provide help to the most vulnerable in our city, help people feel safe and welcome in their communities, empower people, and ensure the best quality of life for people living in Lincoln.
Let's deliver quality housing
We will provide housing that meets the varied needs of our residents, work together to help the homeless in Lincoln, improve housing conditions for all, build thriving communities, and help people have a sense of belonging.
Let's enhance our remarkable place
We will show the world what Lincoln has to offer, cherish and enhance our natural environment, preserve the unique character of our city, deliver a rich and varied cultural experience, and provide interesting, exciting and vibrant places to enjoy.
"Together, let's deliver Lincoln's ambitious future."