Make decisions about repairing, maintaining and improving your block and its communal areas gain access to your flat in emergencies
Make you comply with the terms and conditions of your lease
We are responsible for:
Keeping the structure, exterior and common parts of your block in a fit state of repair (for example, the roof, gutters, drains, window frames and communal entrances and lighting)
Repairing and maintaining other communal areas (such as drying areas, gardens and parking areas)
Insuring the building, including your flat and its fixtures, but not the contents (your personal possessions)
Consulting you about any major work or improvements costing any leaseholder more than £250
Charging you for ground rent, management costs, repair, maintenance and improvements to your block and its communal areas and other services (service charges)
Ensuring you pay your service charges
Consulting you about changes that will affect our service
Contact the Housing Team
Address: City Hall
Beaumont Fee