Bills and ways to pay
We offer a number of ways to pay your business rates.
Direct Debit
It is possible to pay your direct debit on 1st, 8th, 15th or 22nd of the month to begin in April and to end in January.
You may also request to pay from April to March, contact us if you wish to pay over 12 months a year.
You can download a direct debit mandate and return it to us.
Set up a direct debit to pay your business rates
Online payment
To make a business rates payment online, please use the online payment form.
Telephone payment line 01522 873666
You can now pay the following bills using your telephone. Payments can be made 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 52 weeks a year.
To use this service you will need:
- Your account or reference number
- A payment card - we accept: Visa, Visa Debit, Mastercard and Mastercard Debit
Calls are charged at a local rate and your account will be credited in two to three working days.
BACS payments
To pay by BACS, please use the following bank details
Bank name Lloyds Bank
Sort code 30-95-05
Account number 00214663
Account name Receipts account
Request a bill
You can request your most up to date balance to be sent to you by email by filling out a request form.
Pay business rates in instalments
You can request that your business rate bill is spread over 12 months to help with cash flow. If you wish to take up this offer, please complete a request form.
The non-domestic rate will be payable by ten monthly instalments if the demand notice is issued on or before the 30th April of the relevant year. For a bill issued on or after the 1st May but before the 1st January, the number of instalments will be one less than the whole number of months remaining in the relevant year after the issue of the notice.
Where a total amount due is less than £100, we can require payment in a single instalment. Where the instalments would be less than £50 and the total amount due is more than £100, we will recalculate your bill so that all instalments are above £50. This may decrease the amount of instalments (for example, if the amount due is £110, we will request two payments of £55).
Please note: We no longer accept payments by cheque for business rate accounts.