Building Control applications

Demolition Notices

We have an obligation under The Building Act 1984 to ensure that all demolition work is carried out in a safe manner.

If you are intending to demolish the whole or part of a building you will need to notify our Building Control section, giving us six weeks notice prior to commencement of demolition works. Legally you should not start any demolition work unless you have notified us.

In all cases of demolition you should first consult with our Building Control section who will be pleased to advise you on the necessary steps to take. You must also apply our local planning section to determine if you will require prior approval for the method of demolition. This will be in addition to any other consent required for demolition (for example, for heritage properties). It is therefore advised that you contact us to determine whether you will require planning permission for any proposed demolition works.

Notification of a demolition is not required where:

  • The building is less than 1750 cubic feet, measured externally (approximately 50 cubic metres)
  • The demolition is of an internal part of any occupied building, which is intended to remain occupied
  • The building is a greenhouse, conservatory, shed or prefabricated garage, even if the building forms part of a larger building
  • Certain agricultural building, unless it is near or touching another building that is not an agricultural building
  • A demolition order under the Housing Act 1985 has been served

Notify us of a demolition

Download and complete the notification form and send it back to us at or you can notify us of your intention to undertake a demolition online. 

Demolition notices are charged at £130 + VAT  (£156) you can make this payment using our online payment form. 

Start your demolition notice >