Charterholme – Your Questions Answered
Land ownership and consents
Who owns the land?
The main land-owners are:
- City of Lincoln Council
- Lindum Western Growth Community Ltd
The City Council has been leading on bringing forward development of the area in a viable, sustainable, and deliverable way since 2016.
The remaining development land on WGC is owned by Lindum Western Growth Community Limited (LWGC) which is a subsidiary of the locally owned and based construction/development company Lindum Group.
What consent do you have for the site development?
Together the council and LWGC submitted a planning application for the whole development on 3 April 2019.
On 20 January 2022, outline planning consent was granted for the overall WGC development, with detailed consent for the two access points into the site at Skellingthorpe Road (southern access) and Tritton Road (eastern access).
Skellingthorpe Road Access
What will the initial works entail?
The creation of a new access into the site will include:
- A new signalised junction on Skellingthorpe Road (and modifications to the existing Skellingthorpe Road/Birchwood Avenue junction), with traffic management arrangements
- Design and construction of a new bridge across the Boultham Catchwater Drain
- Design and construction of a new access road from Skellingthorpe Road which will serve the first 300 homes of the development. This will also include new cycle paths, footpaths, lighting, drainage, utilities, and landscaping
- Work to safeguard the Public Right of Way along the Catchwater (with diversions during the main works and to accommodate the new access route on a permanent basis)
When will construction work start?
Work commenced on the Skellingthorpe Road southern access in August 2023, and the new junction is now complete as of summer 2024.
What trees will be taken down as part of the initial stages?
The felling of the trees along the southern boundary of the site with Skellingthorpe Road, will form part of the site works. It is proposed that the wood from these trees will be utilised in the manufacture of furniture or other products to be used on the site or within the local community.
Further trees will need to be felled to allow for the development in certain areas, for example, the construction of the bridge over the Catchwater and the creation of drainage ponds.
Will you be planting any trees in the new development?
Wherever possible, the council and delivery partners LWGC will seek to retain the existing trees on site. Where this is not possible, at least 2 new trees will be planted to replace each tree which is required to be felled to make way for the development.
Further landscaping and planting will also be carried out to create attractive green spaces and to support biodiversity. For example, within the verges next to the access road, in the areas of open space and the new drainage ponds.
What is happening to the land and access to the Church of the Latter-Day Saints?
Following negotiation with the Church of the Latter-day Saints, an agreement was reached with the council to secure a land swap, to enable the required junction arrangement to be accommodated at the entrance to the site on Skellingthorpe Road, providing access into the site.
The transfer agreement completed on 7 February 2023. Under this agreement, the Church has transferred a parcel of its land close to Skellingthorpe Road to the council. In exchange, the council has transferred a parcel of its land immediately adjacent to the existing Church car park, to enable an extension of the car-parking area. Works will be undertaken over the next 2 months to prepare the extended car-parking area and to install new boundary fencing to secure the Church land, ahead of the main site works.
What traffic management arrangements will be put in place during the works?
A phased traffic management plan is being finalised with the Highways Authority, to allow for the works to take place on Skellingthorpe Road and Birchwood Avenue to service the development. The draft phasing plan was set out within the exhibition panels displayed on 8 March 2023 (attached as plans).
Whilst there will be some diversions in place during the works, these diversions have been designed to minimise disruption to the road network and keep the traffic flowing to avoid backlogs.
Traffic can only be diverted onto a public highway of the same classification as the one subject to a Traffic Restriction Order, we therefore could not use a private car park area to divert traffic.
All traffic management will be closely monitored and may be adapted during the construction period.
With restrictions on Skellingthorpe Road/Birchwood Avenue, what plans are in place in the event of traffic incidents on the Bypass and diversions that may be needed?
As part of the Traffic Restriction Order the police and all other emergency services will be notified of the restrictions and therefore would designate a suitable alternative diversion route. Dependant on the works being undertaken at such a time it may also be possible that we could assist by removing some of the restrictions as a reactive emergency measure.
Have you considered temporary traffic lights to Skellingthorpe Road/Chalgrove Avenue junction to let Forest Park residents out onto Skellingthorpe Road? This would also apply to other adjoining roads.
It wouldn’t be practical to add signal control to individual adjoining roads to Skellingthorpe Road due to the potential impact to traffic flow along Skellingthorpe Road. The traffic management is structured in a way that 2-way traffic is generally maintained with minimal signal control along Skellingthorpe Road so as not to cause additional traffic delays.
How will safe traffic passage be controlled outside of the site hours?
Whenever traffic signal working is required, we will make provision to manually operate these within site hours as this is when peak traffic volumes are expected which could impact the level crossing to the East or the A46 roundabout to the West. Outside of these hours the signals will be set on timers to allow traffic through appropriately in each direction.
What provisions will be made to ensure access for residents’ homes?
Advanced warning and directional signage will be in place prior to and during the works as it is required, including in respect of access to local businesses.
Access will be maintained at all times for residents and businesses and the Site Manager will issue regular communication, as outlined above.
Will I still be able to access the Church of the Latter-day Saints?
Yes, access will be available throughout the works and thereafter.
Have you thought about disruption to wildlife in the area?
Yes, many surveys have been carried out to inform the site plans and an Ecologist is employed by the construction team to advise on the proposals and to prepare a plan which sets out how this will be managed (Construction Environmental Management Plan).
An Ecologist will continue to be involved, to oversee the works as necessary to ensure that we meet our requirements to safeguard wildlife on site.
What noise/disruption will there be?
This will taken into consideration at the start of the project and where possible eliminated or reduced. A management plan will be in place setting out measures to minimise impacts on neighbouring properties, and a full-time site manager to monitor what is happening.
Neighbours will be notified at regular intervals on the works that are being carried out. Work will only take place during normal working hours.
How will the site be managed and how will I find out what is happening during the work?
The site will be managed by a full-time site manager. The site manager will be the main contact for the site from a day-to-day point of view. Residents will be made aware of the site manager’s number in the residents’ letter prior to commencing on site. Should they have any queries they will be able to talk to them directly. The site manager will also be the community liaison person but also assisted by the construction manager and the remaining construction team.
Where will the first homes be built?
The first homes will be on City of Lincoln Council land, between Skellingthorpe Road and the Boultham Catchwater drain.
What will the new homes look like?
Proposals for the new homes are currently being developed. Early layout and concept proposals were shown on the exhibition panels (attached as plans). Further detailed plans will be shared as these are prepared.
The aim is to create high quality, energy efficient homes within a scheme that links with the existing community and with attractive features including open space, landscaping, parking provision and with links through to the existing Public Right of Way along the Catchwater.
The housing will generally be 2-storey, with some 3-storey town houses, where appropriate, considering things such as important views and neighbouring properties/land uses.
Parking provision will be designed to the rear or side of the properties.
Will the new homes be fitted with solar panels and what other sustainability measures will be delivered?
The plan is to achieve the highest possible energy efficiency standards which can be delivered whilst also achieving a high-quality scheme overall. We want to achieve something that is distinctive but that belongs in this place for example referencing Lincoln’s original garden village – Swanpool.
Measures that we want to implement include:
- Maximising insulation, inc. triple glazing
- Air Source Heat Pumps (no gas)
- Smart metering/controls and low energy fittings
- Electric vehicle charging
How will the layout allow for things like landscaping, green-space, public access etc?
Green space and landscaping will be provided alongside and as part of the drainage plans for the scheme, which will include swales and attenuation ponds.
Public access will be provided through the development to the existing Public Right of Way which runs alongside the Catchwater.
How many affordable homes will be delivered?
Across the whole development, there will be 640 affordable homes (20%).
The first phase of housing delivered from Skellingthorpe Road, will be all market homes. This will include a mix of homes to suit different needs/demand.
When will the affordable homes be delivered?
Affordable homes will start to be delivered following the creation of the Eastern Access (Tritton Road) bridge. This eastern access will open up the site for the delivery of 300 homes initially, of which 120 will be affordable.
Wider services/land uses
What are the plans regarding the delivery of wider services such as schools and healthcare?
There is a commitment to delivering new primary school provision and extended health care provision. This will come later into the development on a phased basis, and this is set out within the outline planning consent which has been granted for the scheme.
For example, there is a plan to deliver additional primary school provision as part of the Western Growth Corridor development, which are intended to be implemented after the site access has been created from both Skellingthorpe Road and Tritton Road, the first 600 homes have been developed and the connecting spine route to access the proposed local centre has been created.
A phased programme to support healthcare provision is to be agreed to come forward on a phased basis after the first 300 homes are developed.
Other facilities and services are also proposed, for example as part of the Local Centre.
Further details of what is agreed can be found on the council’s planning portal. A link is available on the Western Growth Corridor page.
What about commercial uses?
The masterplan proposals for the site include 3,200 homes together with 20 hectares of commercial land. These proposals will be considered and developed in further detail as the site progresses. The proposals will be subject to further consultation and detailed planning consents in the future.
Flood mitigations & green space
The proposals have been designed to include a range of flood mitigation measures, including land raising, swales and attenuation ponds (which will also serve a wider ecological purpose in addition to drainage).
The proposals include generous provision for greenspaces for nature and then also spaces for people to enjoy, that connect with existing parks and routes such as at Hartsholme.
Further information on the measures to mitigate flood risk are set out within the Flood Risk Assessment, available on the planning portal for this application (see the link on the main page)
Tritton Road, Eastern Access & Spine Road
When will the new bridge be built to create the eastern access, via Tritton Road?
We anticipate work starting on the eastern access during 2024.
When will we be able to use the new bridge?
The bridge/access works will be subject to detailed design and technical feasibility, taking place during 2023. A full construction programme will be developed during this process which will then lead to the final delivery arrangements. At this stage, we anticipate that the bridge will be completed during 2025/6. The delivery and programme will be confirmed following technical design.
What development can take place after this access is created?
This access work will open up the site for 300 homes, including 120 affordable homes.
It will also then enable the construction of a new spine road to connect the 2 access points, subject to funding being secured.
What about the Spine Road?
The council is actively working with potential funding partners and stakeholders to try to secure funding for the connecting spine road. We recognise the importance of this link to promote sustainable travel, to serve the development itself and to support the wider highway network.
What measures will you be putting in place to ensure sustainable travel?
There will be dedicated footways and cycleways as part of the initial access design and proposed to run through the development (spine road). Provision for bus travel will also be made, as well as for cars/motor vehicles. This will also include EV charging.
The design of the spine road will be the subject of a detailed design process and (reserved matters) planning application.
Can you tell us more about the bridge designs for the Tritton Road (Eastern Access)?
The bridges and access road from Tritton Road will be subject to a detailed design phase before a design is finalised. The council is currently in the process of procuring a contractor to undertake this design phase during 2023, with delivery on site expected to commence during Spring/Summer 2024, subject to final technical approvals. Through this process of finalising the design, the costs will also be confirmed.
Community benefit
How will this development benefit the wider community?
By providing opportunities for local employment, training, community initiatives and through the provision of new homes, green space and ultimately new facilities and services for people to enjoy.
The provision of the new connecting spine road which is ultimately intended will then also bring benefits in terms of connections for all forms of travel to and from the city centre.
Are you considering options for community development ideas, such as concert hall, play park, cycle lanes, shared community spaces, spaces for performances from all age groups and communities for other communities?
The Masterplan for the development includes the provision of a local centre, with facilities for the community, cycle routes and usable green space.
During each stage of the scheme, contractors will offer benefits to the local community alongside their construction works. These will be focused under the themes of local employment, working with young people, community priorities and environment.
How will I be updated on Charterholme works?
We are creating a new e-newsletter which will send information as we have it directly to your email address. This newsletter will also advise you of any future consultation sessions. The FAQ’s will also be updated on our website (
What if I don’t have the Internet?
A small number of physical newsletters will be created for those who do not have internet access.