Health and Safety

Fire safety


  • The Regulatory reform (Fire safety) Order 2005

The responsible person of the business must make sure that a Fire Risk Assessment is undertaken of the premises. A record of the assessment must be kept if there are five or more employees or if the premises is subject to a statutory licence.

There must be adequate means of escaping from a fire to a safe place that are kept clear and unlocked. Escape routes must lead directly to a place of safety with appropriate emergency lighting and signage. 

To ensure the safety of persons in the event of a fire, the responsible person must provide an adequate means of raising the alarm, which may include automatic fire detection. There must also be appropriate fire-fighting media provided  

Staff must be adequately trained and consideration given to the appointment of fire marshals to coordinate any evacuations and meet attending crews.

All furnishings and drapes need to meet the required standards so as not to ignite easily.

Further guidance can be found in the external link to 

Fire safety law and guidance documents for business

Failure to comply may lead to enforcement action being issued. 

For more information and advice contact:

Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service

Contact Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue

Telephone: 01522 555777