Apply for a premises licence/club premises certificate

When applying for either a premises or club premises certificate, you need to submit the following documents below:

  • Contact our Licensing Team for a ‘Premises licence application form’ or a ‘Club premises certificate’.

  • A plan of the premises - further information on this is detailed below
  • If the application requests the authorisation to supply alcohol, a form containing the consent of the proposed Designated Premises Supervisor
  • The requisite fee - Application fees range from £100 to £1,905, based on the rateable value of the property.
  • Documents to demonstrate your right to work in the United Kingdom (only applicable if applying as an individual, including those in a partnership which is not a limited liability partnership)

If your premises doesn’t have a rateable value it will fall into the lowest fee band.


Once you have submitted these forms, you will be required to advertise your application

Contact our Licensing Team for a ‘blank notice form’.


This must be a pale blue A4 (or larger) notice, printed legibly in black ink or typed in black, in a size equal (or larger) to 16 font, displayed prominently at or on the premises to which the application relates.

Where the premises covers an area of more than 50 metre squared, the same notice must be placed every 50 metres along the external perimeter of the premises. The notice must be displayed for 28 consecutive days, starting the day after your application is submitted.

In addition to this, you must publish a notice in a local newspaper (or if there is none, in a local newsletter, circular or similar document) circulating in the vicinity of the premises, at least once during the 10 working days after your application is submitted.

About the Operation Schedule

On the application form, you are required to set out various details regarding how the premises is proposed to operate when carrying on licensable activities. It must include the following information:

  • The licensable activities to be carried out
  • The proposed hours that the relevant licensable activities are to take place
  • The proposed hours that the premises are to be open to the public
  • The duration of the licence (if it is to have a fixed term)
  • Details of who is to be the designated premises supervisor if the licensable activities include the supply of alcohol
  • Where alcohol is to be supplied, whether the supplies are proposed to be for consumption on and/or off premises
  • The steps you will take to promote the 4 licensing objectives i.e. Conditions to be added to the licence

Contact our Licensing Team

Contact Licensing

You may contact our Licensing team on the details below:

Address: City Hall
Beaumont Fee

Telephone: 01522 873564