Trees and High Hedges

High hedges

The law requires everyone with a high hedge to consider the effect they have on their neighbours.

You do not usually need permission to plant a hedge in your garden, but you have a responsibility for looking after the height of the hedge so it doesn't block light to your neighbour’s property.

Under legislation (under Part 8 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003) we have the power to exercise control over high hedges. Responsibility for investigating formal complaints made by the public lies with our trees team in the Parks section.

The law requires people to have taken ‘all reasonable steps' to try to settle their hedge dispute for themselves before making a formal complaint to us.


Detailed advice and contacts can be found on the high hedges information sheet (planning downloads).

How Do I Make a Complaint? 

You can make a complaint by using the formal complaint form, there is a charge for this.

You will need to provide evidence of all the steps you have taken to try to resolve the matter so far. If you don’t, we will not be able to pursue your complaint.

Before we can deal with your complaint, we need to be sure that:

  • The hedge is covered by the legislation
  • That you have exhausted all other ways to sort out the problem yourself
  • You have paid the fee

The following links will offer you further advice (approaching the City of Lincoln Council should be considered a last resort):  


Contact Planning

9am to 4.30pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. 10am to 4.30pm Wednesday. 9am to 4.00pm Friday.

Address: City of Lincoln Council
City Hall
Beaumont Fee

Telephone: 01522 873 474