Central Lincolnshire Local Plan 2023

Local Plan Adopted 13 April 2023
At the Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee (CLJSPC) meeting on 13th April 2023, the new Central Lincolnshire Local Plan was formally adopted. It will be used in making decisions on planning applications across the City of Lincoln, North Kesteven District and West Lindsey District areas replacing the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan adopted in 2017.
The new Local Plan is pioneering in placing climate change at its core and will help ensure Central Lincolnshire is a net zero carbon area. The new Local Plan introduces a number of new policies to guide development in Central Lincolnshire, including:
- Climate change – an ambitious and ground breaking set of policies aimed at making Central Lincolnshire net zero carbon, including in making sure new homes are efficient, attracting renewable energy generation, and ensuring new homes are adaptable to climate change.
- Housing – new housing sites, capable of meeting our needs to 2040 and policies to ensure that the housing is in the right location and will be well designed.
- Jobs – protection of existing employment sites and land available for more employment development in locations where housing is or will be built.
- Shopping and city/town centres – policies to enhance our city and town centres and ensure they remain a destination, and to protect local centres which provide essential services across the area.
- Tourism – policies to support the tourism industry in Central Lincolnshire and to ensure that any tourism development is in the right location.
- Environment – a suite of policies seeking to protect our environment including delivering biodiversity net gain, protecting our valued landscapes, protection of high quality agricultural land, and protecting trees and hedgerows.
- Infrastructure – policies to help ensure that the infrastructure needed to support new development is delivered in the right places.
- RAF Scampton – a policy which will allow the future redevelopment of this site be properly planned to deliver great benefits to Central Lincolnshire.