Arboretum Advisory Group
Advisory group aims
The Arboretum is supported by the Arboretum Advisory Committee, which was formed in March 2001 with the following aims:
- To represent Arboretum users interests
- To record the history and development of the Arboretum
- To develop and continuously appraise a strategic improvement plan
- To maximise the potential of the Arboretum as a recreational and educational asset without compromising its historical and natural integrity.
Group representatives
The group is made up of representatives who have particular interests in the park. It includes:
- Local council members
- Community group representative
- Local Police Officers
- Dog walkers
- Schools
Joining the Arboretum Advisory Group
The Arboretum Advisory Group is run independently of the council and has meetings on a quarterly basis. If you would like to represent an interest group that is not already represented within the Advisory Group, you should write to:
The Chair
Arboretum Advisory Group
City Hall
Beaumont Fee
In your letter state:
- Who you are
- Who you represent
- Why you would like to join the group
This will then be put before members at the next meeting for consideration.