Electric vehicle charging points

Electric charging points are available at:
- Broadgate multi storey car park - 2 charging points
- Lucy Tower multi storey car park - 2 charging points
- The Lawn car park - 2 charging points
- Lincoln Central car park - 12 charging points
- Orchard Street car park - 8 charging points
- Chaplin Street car park - 8 charging points
Charging point information:
- Broadgate, Lucy Tower and Lincoln Central car park have a Fastcharge wall mount with two 32A sockets
- The Lawn has a Fastcharge unit
- You will need to pay for parking as normal while charging your vehicle.
BP Pulse
Please note electricity is now chargeable, please consult BP Pulse for pricing.
For more information for charging on the go, please visit bppulse.co.uk/charging-on-the-go
For the full network of electric vehicle charge points in Lincoln and across the UK visit Zap Map