Reporting tenancy fraud
As a public sector landlord, we have a responsibility to house those in the greatest need. With a limited number of homes available and a waiting list of many hundreds of people wanting to rent a home from us, it is important that only those who have a right to live in one of our homes actually live in them.
Tenancy fraud is where someone lives in a council property without having any right to live there. Examples of tenancy fraud are illegal sub-letting, key selling, not living in the property and lying about your housing circumstances and/or identity when applying for one of our homes.
We will evict people who have committed tenancy fraud.
Report tenancy fraud to us
If you believe someone is committing tenancy fraud or you may be a victim of tenancy fraud in a council property, please contact us on 01522 873 333.
You do not have to give your name or address when reporting suspected fraud.
We will investigate all reports of tenancy fraud.
If you find you are the victim of housing fraud, you should seek independent advice from organisations such as Shelter England, Citizens Advice or a solicitor.
You can also contact our Housing Solutions Team (01522 873 333) for advice on finding alternative accommodation as you will not be able to stay in a property where tenancy fraud has been committed.