Milestone moment as first Western Growth Corridor homes plan submitted

CGI proposal for the plans.
CGI proposal for the plans.

City of Lincoln Council has reached a key milestone in submitting plans for the first phase of housing at the Skellingthorpe Road site.

Following outline planning consent approval for the overall Western Growth Corridor (WGC) project in January 2022 and further consultation earlier this year, plans for the first phase of housing development on the site have now been submitted.

The proposals include two and three storey homes, comprising a range of housing types and sizes and will be subject to further consultation as part of the planning process. 

The theme of sustainability has been central to the design process, in terms of the homes themselves and in the wider landscape design and layout. 

The aim is to deliver a high quality, gateway development with attractive, energy efficient homes. 

Subject to approval, working with partners Lindum Homes, the homes will maximise insulation to allow for heating via air-source heat pumps, combined with solar panels and EV charging. 

Tree planting, landscaping and connections to existing footpaths are also included in the design so that the scheme connects with the existing neighbourhood. 

The proposals were the subject of a wider consultation event held during March 2023. The designs have sought to take account of the comments raised at this session and subsequently, by a range of stakeholders including local residents and partner organisations. 

Details of the proposals can be viewed on the Council’s planning portal which can be accessed here

Initial works to create the southern access for these first homes at WGC began in July 2023. These works are due to be completed in Summer 2024 – this signalised junction onto Skellingthorpe Road will be the main access point for the first homes. 

Cllr Naomi Tweddle, Portfolio Holder for Inclusive Economic Growth at City of Lincoln Council said:

“This is a significant milestone for us as a city council within the overall 35 year plan for the Western Growth Corridor.

“The city council is a significant landowner and has been leading on bringing forward development of the area in a viable, sustainable and deliverable way since 2016. 

“Western Growth Corridor is a key priority within our overall vision for the city and delivers across all of our priorities and objectives. It is also the single biggest development area within the city boundary.“These first 52 homes will be monumental in the creation of this inclusive and sustainable new community within the heart of Lincoln.”

Published on October 17th 2023