Executive to discuss Lincoln community pocket park proposals

City of Lincoln Council’s Executive will discuss proposals for leasing areas of Sincil Bank to community groups to create social spaces later this month.

At Executive on 26 July, members will discuss proposals to lease areas of land at Archer Street and Chelmsford Street to community groups in the city.

At an annual rent of £1 over 25 years, proposals would see Bridge Church and Sincil Community Land Trust (CLT) lease a total of three areas, with the aim of enhancing these areas, to develop social spaces for community use.

Within the plans, Bridge Church propose to lease two areas, including a former play area on Archer Street and the adjacent area directly under Pelham Bridge, and Sincil CLT propose to lease an area of land located on Chelmsford Street. 

The land at Archer Street was previously a play area but for a number of years has been a redundant site, with the play equipment removed.

Bridge Church are a key organisation providing support within the Sincil Bank area, and its current site is developing as a community hub providing many services to meet community need, however is not able to provide any open space.

The aim of Bridge Church is to bring both Archer Street areas back into use as an important open space that can assist with community cohesion.

Sian Wade, Senior Leader at Bridge Church said: "We are excited to work with the community to create an outside space that local residents will be able to enjoy.

“In an urban concrete area, having a connection to the earth is important for our mental well-being, and creating something that can bring further connection into community for us all will be incredibly beneficial."

Sincil CLT, which was awarded the lease of council-owned land on St Andrews Close in 2019, plans to enhance the land at Chelmsford Street as a green space to assist in strengthening the community in the area.

From initial conversations, and subject to consultation it is envisaged that the space will be used as:

  • A safe and secure space for younger children to play
  • A quiet, tranquil green space for people to sit
  • An opportunity to enhance local biodiversity

Chris Williams Chair of Sincil Community Land Trust said: "Getting outside into 'green spaces' is important for everyone's physical and mental health and well-being. This is also one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.  

“The pandemic has underlined what we all knew already. While thinking globally, we must act locally.

"It will be exciting to have the opportunity to work with other residents to create a new public garden on Chelmsford Street as we have done in St Andrew's Close."

The recommendation is that, subject to no objections, Executive approve the request to lease all three sites.

Cllr Neil Murray, Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth at City of Lincoln Council added: “This is a key project in the provision of accessible open spaces within Sincil Bank.

“Developing the right kind of ‘place’ is increasingly important to underpin a vibrant city and create somewhere where people want to live and work.

“I look forward to discussing these proposals with Executive.”

Published on July 19th 2021