Maintenance and Investment

Damp and mould

Damp happens when moisture or water builds up in your home.  Mould is a type of fungus that thrives in damp areas. Whilst damp and mould can exist on their own, they often occur together.

If you notice damp or mould in your home, report it to us straight away.

When you report damp and mould to us, we will visit you within 72 hours to inspect it.  If there are issues beyond our control, like severe weather, we will attend your home as soon as we can.  If there are any delays, we will keep you informed.

When we have inspected your home, we will arrange a repair to fix it.  We aim to complete the repair within 20 days of our inspection.


There are a few different types and causes of damp:

  • Rising damp - moisture from the ground moving up through the walls of your home
  • Penetrating damp - water coming into your home through damaged roofs, walls, or windows
  • Condensation - warm, moist air hitting a cold surface and forming water droplets
  • Poor ventilation – blocking air vents and not opening windows
  • Humidity – everyday activities like cooking, bathing and drying clothes causing a build-up of moisture in the air
  • Your home being too cold - cold areas in your home causing condensation
  • Leaking pipes – water building up in walls and floors


You can help reduce damp in your home by:

  • Keeping your home well ventilated - things like not opening windows, blocking up air vents, not turning on extractor fans, and not allowing air to circulate around furniture can all cause damp
  • Covering pans when cooking to reduce humidity, and using your extractor fan
  • Hanging washing outside if possible, or in a room with the door closed and a window open or extractor fan on
  • Keeping your home warm, if you are able to
  • Drying wet surfaces regularly (windows, windowsills, and kitchen worktops) and wringing out the cloth instead of drying it on a radiator
  • Reducing bath steam by running cold water first, then adding hot. Keeping the bathroom door closed and using the fan or opening a window
  • Keeping your extractor fan on or opening a bathroom window for 20 minutes after showering or bathing
  • Venting your tumble dryer to the outside
  • Leaving bedroom windows slightly open at night
  • Keeping kitchen and bathroom doors closed to prevent moisture from spreading
  • Leaving a gap between large furniture and walls for ventilation