
LinCare Lifeline System

For as little as £4.25 per week or £221 per annum you can receive a Lifeline System.

For this you will get the equipment, free installation and removal, repairs and maintenance, monitoring and response, as well as an annual visit to check the equipment and update the information we hold.

The Lifeline System is made up of a unit and a pendant which can be used to raise an alarm call to LinCare Control Centre from anywhere in the home.

The pendant is water proof including whilst in the shower/bath and works within the home and within 50m outside of the home.

You can raise an alarm call by:

  • using the large illuminated red button on the unit
  • simply pressing a radio trigger
  • or automatically via the range of LinCare sensors, wirelessly linked to the base unit.

The only requirement is a spare electricity socket.

For additional costs you can also have additional sensors which are placed discreetly around your home which monitor environmental risks and personal risks.

There are number of personal detectors, this includes; Fall Detector, Bed Occupancy Sensor, Nocturnal Epilepsy Sensor and Enuresis Sensor.

Equally, there is a number of detectors that monitor environmental risks, this includes; Smoke Detector, Carbon Monoxide Detector, Temperature Extreme Sensor and Flood Detector. Other products and services include; Key Safe, Bogus Caller/Panic Button.

On receipt of the alarm call LinCare Control Centre is presented with a client’s page showing information about the sensor or detector which has been activated and comprehensive information about the person living in the property.

The experienced operator will then assist in finding out the problem, reassure you and arrange what you need to help you as quickly as possible.

In an emergency situation LinCare Control Centre operators can call a nominated contact i.e. family member, friend or neighbour and/or where appropriate the emergency services.

Where there is another person in the property the operator may advise this person to call for an ambulance, this is to help the ambulance service to ascertain first-hand the details of the incident, pass on first aid advice and correctly prioritise the call.

For alarm calls where the operator receives ‘no response’ they will follow up the call to ascertain the clients’ well being, by using the nominated contacts. All alarm calls received cannot be closed until the safety of the client is confirmed.

The LinCare Control Centre can also accept non-emergency calls, for example, when testing the alarm unit, advising about an absence, changing details etc. We can do all of this for the client whilst they are on the line.

We will always try to accommodate the wishes of the client, but from time to time where health and safety is compromised or mental capacity is affected the operator will carry out the best course of action available, while still informing the client of the actions taken.

To use this service you will need at least two local contacts who we can call on to offer assistance or you can sign up to the Wellbeing Lincs Response Service for £2.77 per week.

To find out more about the Wellbeing Lincs Response Service select the link from the top of the page.

If you would like more information about LinCare’s Lifeline System you can call 0300 303 4430 or email