I am experiencing domestic abuse
If you are a victim of domestic abuse there are a number of schemes and services that can help you.
Target Hardening Scheme
The scheme is open to all victims of domestic abuse who reside in the district and want to remain in their current home.
Referrals are made from partnership agencies of Police, Children’s Services, Edanlincs, IDVA’s and City of Lincoln Housing Officers.
Download a referral form
Please note the above referral form is for agency use only.
A security ‘risk’ assessment is completed by the council in particular looking at door and window security. If target hardening is required works are completed by approved contractors or the ‘in house’ repairs team.
Security measures can include the provision of equipment as well as some works to the property.
The following is a guide to what equipment and works might be available:
- Change of window and door locks
- Window and door alarms
- Door jammers/chains
- Personal Alarms
- Security lighting with P.I.R.
- Fire safety equipment including extinguishers/fire blankets/fireproof letter boxes
- External Letterboxes
- 24 hr timer switches
- Alarms linked to emergency services
If you have any queries or are in need of assistance, please contact the Housing Solutions Team by calling 01522 873 777 or email housingsolutions@lincoln.gov.uk
Edan Lincs Domestic Abuse Service
EdanLincs Domestic Abuse Service is a registered charity who can provide emergency and temporary accommodation for anyone who is a victim of domestic abuse.
They also employ specialist Independent Domestic Violence advisors who can help males and females over the age of 16 who have been assessed as high risk of homicide or serious injury due to domestic abuse and violence.
Visit the website edanlincs.org.uk or call 01522 510 041
Women’s Aid
Women's Aid offer advice and guidance for women suffering from domestic abuse.
They can help put you in touch with other services that may be able to help you and your situation.
They have a 24 hour free helpline, call 0808 2000 247
Other websites you may find useful
- Lincolnshire County Council - Domestic Abuse Advice
- Spring Lodge - Sexual Assault Referrals