Community and Place

City of Lincoln Community Chest
Adapted from a successful scheme that has been running for a number of years in Sincil Bank, this grant scheme has been developed with support from Investors in Lincoln. Up to £25,000 is available in each of the 11 wards across the city to provide grants of up to £2.5k that support and deliver the community priorities in those areas. Across each ward in the city, Community Panels have been established, made up of councillors and residents, which have identified the priorities for their areas. To find out more about the priorities for your ward, please see above.
North Lincoln Community Hub(s) Programme
In response to the evidence and building on the success of Ermine Community Library and Hub, the Council’s neighbourhood team are working with Bishop Grosseteste University and community partners to identify opportunities for further support within the area. Funding has already been provided to enable the Hub to extend its opening times in July and August, providing an important community resource for children during the summer holidays. A scoping report to identify wider deliverable proposals is nearly complete, which will identify wider community needs within the Ermine/St Giles area and how local assets can be best used to meet those needs.
Cost of Living Support Programme
This scheme provides support for residents in most need arising from the cost-of-living crisis. The programme is being led by City of Lincoln Council’s Revenues and Benefits team, working with the Welfare Teams and local partners including Bridge Church and Acts Trust. Projects currently include: a cost of living community support grant scheme; a research commission into cost of living support need, and access in local non-English speaking communities; and a voucher scheme for the Lincoln Community Grocery.
No Wrong Door Project
This funding to support the Acts Trusts to develop their existing bespoke triage software, ‘The Restore System’ making it accessible to all organisations in the Lincoln area. Organisations can use the triage tools through any web browser on any device to guide beneficiaries through a questionnaire, to develop bespoke personalised support plans, listing all local services relevant to the individuals needs. The Acts Trust will provide systems training as well as coaching/befriending training and continue to administrate the system to ensure up to date information is maintained. It is expected that many beneficiaries will be economically inactive, socially excluded, low-skilled (including life skills) and many will also be vulnerable to poverty/have been accessing food aid.