R G Carter - Lincoln Social Responsibility Charter

RG Carter Building Ltd Company Logo
Company address
Regatta Building, Henley Way, Lincoln LN6 3QR
Case Study
Tell us about your business?

Established in 1921, R G Carter is celebrating its centenary year. We are a privately owned, family firm with a proud history dating back 100 years. Renowned for our diverse range of high quality construction services, we have achieved growth and success through combining traditional values with a passion for innovation.
Our strong traditional values are based on honesty, integrity and the development of long term relationships. We place our clients’ values at the heart of our operations, nurturing strategic partnerships with key clients through prudent financial management, open communication and a one team approach.
Working with national and regional clients across both private and public, R G Carter consistently delivers projects across a variety of sectors, including commercial, education, health, heritage, leisure, housing and retail.

Why did you choose to sign up to the charter?

As a responsible contractor we want to continue to promote the betterment of the communities we work in, encouraging the use of local suppliers and getting involved in community initiatives and schemes.
We recognise the impact our works have on the environment and the wider community and we are committed to minimising that impact by being a responsible company, listening to our customers and using alternative and more sustainable methods of construction to reduce our carbon footprint.
Our legacy is to leave behind high quality, sustainable buildings and landscapes whilst protecting the environment for future generations in years to come.

Have you noticed any positive changes since undertaking a range of socially responsible activities?

The benefits we see are wide ranging on every project when employing local people, from individuals spending their wages in the local economy, improvements to productivity on construction sites not to mention the workforce taking immense pride in the contribution they are making on a project within their own community.
As a result of engagement of local tradesmen, suppliers and sub-contractors, new business relationships have been formed.
Employing locally also minimises our environmental impact associated with transportation thereby reducing our carbon footprint.
Interacting with local schools/charities has provided opportunities for continuing collaboration in such fields as training, business support, skills improvement and community engagement.

Do you have any words for a business looking to sign up to the charter?

Sponsoring social initiatives is a great way to attract positive attention to your business. Gaining respect from your clients, suppliers, employees and the local community by building relationships and promoting continuous development.
When it comes to giving back to the community, any action big or small can make a real difference. Whether volunteering at your local food bank or donating money to someone in need, you can have a positive impact on your hometown.
When you involve your employees in a socially responsible program for your company, they’ll feel part of something bigger, more important than their day to day, and feel proud to be giving back into their local communities.
RG Carter staff image