Public speaking at a planning committee
The Council’s Constitution allows members of the public to speak at Planning Committee meetings. A member of the public (or their spokesperson) who wishes to object or support an application will be given the opportunity to do so providing the following arrangements are complied with. An applicant (or their agent) will be given the opportunity to reply to objections.
Who can speak?
Public speaking will only be permitted where you are the applicant or agent or your comments have previously been submitted during the consultation period, and the procedure for registering to speak has been complied with.
The number of people permitted to speak will be limited to one from either side (i.e. either in objection or support). If several people wish to speak on an application the Chairman will require that a spokesperson be appointed to represent the interests of the supporters or the objectors.
How do I register to speak?
The Democratic Services Officer must be notified by 4pm on the Tuesday immediately preceding the Planning Committee meeting either by:
- Letter: Democratic Services, City of Lincoln Council, City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln, LN1 1DB
- Email:
- Telephone: 01522 873370
You must give your name, address, a daytime contact number and details of the application. You must also indicate what your interest in the application is.
- If a member of the public speaks in support of an application, or is objecting to an application the Chairman shall allow either the agent or the applicant for the proposed development a right to reply, even if that person has not given prior notice of their wish to speak
- No member of the public will be permitted to speak for longer than five minutes. Speakers will be advised when they have one minute of their allotted time remaining, and are required to stop speaking when this period has ended
- No member of the public shall distribute any photographs or other documentation at the committee or raise any new issues