Article four directions

What is an Article 4 direction?

Article 4 Directions are a means by which a local planning authority can bring within planning control certain types of development, or changes of use, which would normally be permitted development (i.e. not require an application for planning permission).

If your property is affected by an Article 4 direction, this means you are required to submit a planning application for work that normally does not require one.

It is important to remember, however, that other restrictions apply for Listed Buildings and Scheduled Ancient Monuments, and other consents may be required.

Article 4 for HMOs (houses in multiple occupation)

Following a consultation exercise in respect of the options available to us for the future management and control of houses in multiple occupation, we have implemented an Article 4 direction, relating to houses in multiple occupation, for the whole of the City of Lincoln Council area.

The direction relates to development comprising the change of use from a use falling within Class C3 (dwelling houses) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1997, as amended; to a use falling within Class C4 (houses in multiple occupation) of that Order, and removes permitted development rights for this type of development.

Planning permission will therefore be required for change of use from Class C3 to C4 from 1st March 2016.

From the downloads you will find a copy of the direction, including a map defining the area covered, and the associated Supplementary Planning Document, which provides the criteria for assessing planning applications for this type of development.

Other Article 4 directions

There are four other Article 4 directions that remove permitted development rights in certain parts of the city. These directions relate to physical alterations to buildings and cover specific addresses in the City Centre (1979), Monks Road (1981) and Swanpool (1979 and 1988).

Some of these areas are also within existing Conservation Areas, but designation of an Article 4 area does not in itself constitute a Conservation Area. Article 4 directions do not apply to Listed Buildings which have their own restrictions, and affect only single dwelling houses.

Read about the process and consultation >

Contact the Article 4 team

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Article 4 documents and resources
