Universal Credit

Universal Credit in Lincoln

Universal Credit is a benefit which replaces six existing benefits. Applications for Universal Credit have been available since the digital service rolled out on 7th March 2018.

The Universal Credit full digital service will enable you to apply and manage your benefits application online.

Further Information

To find out if you are eligible for Universal Credit please visit gov.uk/universal-credit

Move to Universal Credit if you get a Migration Notice letter

Detailed information for people claiming Universal Credit is available at understandinguniversalcredit.gov.uk

Computer Access in City Hall 

We have 16 computers you can use for free in City Hall to access the internet and any of our online services. 

We know that sometimes getting online can be difficult and so there are members of staff nearby to assist you to:

  • Set up email accounts
  • Help make a benefit claim online
  • Support you in searching for jobs online
  • Help improve your overall confidence with IT

Page updated 16th April 2024