Allotment Guide

Allotment security and crime

Allotment keys and gates

At the start of the tenancy you will initially be provided with an access key to your allotment site free of charge. 

Replacement and additional keys can be provided at a cost of £6.00 per key, contact us to arrange this and we will provide you with an invoice.

If the lock or gate is damaged contact us and we will replace it as soon as possible.

Allotment security

There are substantial lockable security gates at most sites, those that don’t have these are scheduled to receive them in the future. Boundary fences and other security measures are in place for most sites. 

At all sites, you should feel safe and secure whilst gardening. If at any time this is not the case, or you are challenged on site by a non-tenant, report this to us

We do not encourage the use of fencing on allotment plots however should you wish to place fencing around your plot it should be no higher that three to four foot high. Council officers need to have a clear view of the plot within. Fences that are placed higher than this will be required to be removed or reduced in height at your own expense.

We are currently reviewing the terms and conditions regarding allowing fencing on allotment plots and will notify tenants of any changes as a result of this review.

Vandalism, theft and damage

If you believe a theft or crime has been committed on the site, report it to Lincolnshire Police on the non-emergency number 101. Sometimes people think that there is no point notifying the police about these issues but please do as it helps them monitor and tackle crime in the area. 

In addition to notifying the police, report this to us so we can take any appropriate action.

There are some simple steps that can make your plot more secure:

  • Make sure all tools etc are put away out of sight. It is advised to take tools and valuable equipment home with you;
  • Security mark all your property;
  • Make sure any structures can be secured
  • Put up signs warning potential thieves that your property is security marked
  • Try not to keep large quantities of flammable liquids or rubbish in your shed or plot as these can be targets for arsonists;
  • Consider planting ‘spikey’ plants (eg. Pyracantha, berberis, hawthorn, blackthorn, roses etc.) around the perimeter of your plot as these will discourage people from climbing over fences etc.
  • Consider setting up an ‘Allotment Watch’ scheme