Making Sincil Bank a better place for people to live and work

We are working with the Sincil Bank Revitalisation Partnership and the community to make Sincil Bank a better place for people to live and work – now and in the future. Sincil Bank is centrally located and defined by the railway line to the north, Canwick road to the east, South Park to the South and the High Street to the west.
What has been done so far
In 2016 the Sincil Bank revitalisation Partnership organised for a place shaping framework to be created.
The placeshaping framework is an action plan which will help to deliver a number of different themes to improve the Sincil Bank area for residents and businesses.
This framework was created with the help from members of the community, organisations and other individuals whose activities and decisions affect the way this part of Lincoln works, feels and looks.
The key themes are:
- Streets for people
- Gateways
- Greening
- Community hubs
- Skills and enterprise
- Homes
For full details about all the actions please download the Sincil Bank Place shaping Framework.
Implementing the action plan
There are three groups which each meet to discuss and deliver different parts of the project, these are:
- Streets and spaces for people
- Homes
- Community Events and Activities
Community Chest funding
Community chest is a fund available to groups to support projects which will benefit the community.
£50,000 has been allocated to fund these projects and has so far funded 28 projects.
If you would like to find out more or if you would like to get involved please contact The Sincil Bank Community Hub on the details to the right.