The Licensing Act 2003 allows for the licensing of individuals to supply or authorise the supply of alcohol for consumption on or off a licensed premises.
Potential licensees are required to obtain an accredited qualification prior to application. The aim of this is to ensure that licence holders are aware of licensing law and the wider social responsibilities attached to the sale of alcohol.
It should be noted that, while a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) must be a Personal Licence Holder, it is not required that all members of staff hold a personal licence. The DPS will, under their own personal licence, be authorised to allow other members of staff to sell alcohol under the premises licence.
To qualify for a personal licence the applicant must fulfil the following criteria:
The applicant is aged 18 or over
No personal licence held by them has been forfeited within the period of five years before making the application
They possesses an accredited licensing qualification, or is a person of prescribed description
They have not been convicted of any relevant or foreign offence
If the applicant fulfils all these criteria, the licence will be granted. If any of the first three criteria are not met we will reject the application.